When it comes to science, we know that dogs are best known to be conditioned to salivate at the sound of a bell, using Pavlov's method and experiment. After more than three years of living in Canada and being surrounded by three wonderful dogs in the family, I have learned to give dogs more credit. They aren't just dummies to be tested and trained...they are compassionate, intelligent creatures who have shown loyalty more than any human counterpart in my life! Which is why I dedicate this post to all the dogs in the world and three very special ones: Frodo, Logan and Specter. :) Here are following reasons why dogs are man's best friend:
- Dogs understand and respond to human communication.
It is undeniably true, when you talk to your dog they listen attentively to every word you say but do they understand? Absolutely! It is said that dogs are as smart as a 2.5 year old child. According to Stanley Coren, a biologist in University of British Columbia it was found through tests that the average dog can understand up to 165 words and high achievers up to 250 words including signs and signals. Without a doubt in my mind, I can say that dogs brought up in multilingual families understand their language too!
- Dogs are emotionally expressive just like us.
Those with dogs have always noticed the tiny nuances in their beloved pet's behaviour such as barking, wagging their tail, sticking out their tongue or a whimper to show they are sad. Other than mental capabilities and posture, these highly perceptive canines have developed an innate sense to filter through many emotions just like us. Dogs are intuitive, being able to read our body language to know our intentions and tell when someone is lying.
To prove this, scientists in Kyoto University, Japan, created an experimental design rounding up 34 dogs and two opaque containers. One empty and the other *surprise surprise* containing food. In the first round, participants pointed at the container with food before letting the dog choose which container. After showcasing both the containers, for the second round the participant misled the dog by pointing at the empty container before releasing the dog again. For the final round, procedure from first round is repeated but this time instead of following the pointed gesture the dogs no longer responded to the cue. Researchers found the same results when the experiment was repeated.
"I am smarter than you, human"
This quote from lead author Akiko Takaoka sums it up: "Dogs have more social intelligence than we thought. This social intelligence evolved selectively in their long life history with humans."
- Dogs take care of our health.
We all know there are special guide dogs out there to help those in need. For example, a diabetic patient or someone who has hearing problems. They provide 24 hour care and support. However, did you know that dogs can detect early/late stages of cancer? Just through their heightened sense of smell, dogs are capable of sniffing out the volatile smell released by cancer cells. Success stories can be found here:
Frankie the dog 'sniffs out thyroid cancer',
Daisy, the dog who's sniffed out over 500 cases of cancer.
A great video by BBC Earth that you should watch! Story about a dog, Max, detecting cancer in his master Maureen. So sweet.
- Dogs are just awesome at everything they do!
Admit it, you love these adorable pooches. They are trustworthy, obedient and most importantly, cuddly companions one could ever wish to have by their side. I can't wait to have a dog of my own someday!

Baby Frodo. He is very close to my heart <3